Package | Description |
com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static GenericType<CompletionStage<PreparedStatement>> |
The type returned when a CQL statement is prepared asynchronously.
static GenericType<PreparedStatement> |
The type returned when a CQL statement is prepared synchronously.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PreparedStatement |
The prepared statement that was used to create this statement.
default PreparedStatement |
SyncCqlSession.prepare(PrepareRequest request)
Prepares a CQL statement synchronously (the calling thread blocks until the statement is
default PreparedStatement |
SyncCqlSession.prepare(SimpleStatement statement)
Prepares a CQL statement synchronously (the calling thread blocks until the statement is
default PreparedStatement |
SyncCqlSession.prepare(String query)
Prepares a CQL statement synchronously (the calling thread blocks until the statement is
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default CompletionStage<PreparedStatement> |
AsyncCqlSession.prepareAsync(PrepareRequest request)
Prepares a CQL statement asynchronously (the call returns as soon as the prepare query was
sent, generally before the statement is prepared).
default CompletionStage<PreparedStatement> |
AsyncCqlSession.prepareAsync(SimpleStatement statement)
Prepares a CQL statement asynchronously (the call returns as soon as the prepare query was
sent, generally before the statement is prepared).
default CompletionStage<PreparedStatement> |
AsyncCqlSession.prepareAsync(String query)
Prepares a CQL statement asynchronously (the call returns as soon as the prepare query was
sent, generally before the statement is prepared).
Constructor and Description |
BoundStatementBuilder(PreparedStatement preparedStatement,
ColumnDefinitions variableDefinitions,
ByteBuffer[] values,
String executionProfileName,
DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile,
CqlIdentifier routingKeyspace,
ByteBuffer routingKey,
Token routingToken,
Map<String,ByteBuffer> customPayload,
Boolean idempotent,
boolean tracing,
long timestamp,
ByteBuffer pagingState,
int pageSize,
ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel,
ConsistencyLevel serialConsistencyLevel,
Duration timeout,
CodecRegistry codecRegistry,
ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) |
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