Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static GenericType<CompletionStage<AsyncGraphResultSet>> |
The type returned when a graph statement is executed asynchronously.
static GenericType<GraphResultSet> |
The type returned when a graph statement is executed synchronously.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<ResultT> ResultT |<ResultT> type)
Deserializes and returns this node as an instance of the given
type . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GenericType<ValueT> |
TypedDriverOption.getExpectedType() |
Constructor and Description |
TypedDriverOption(DriverOption rawOption,
GenericType<ValueT> expectedType) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static GenericType<CompletionStage<AsyncResultSet>> |
The type returned when a CQL statement is executed asynchronously.
static GenericType<CompletionStage<PreparedStatement>> |
The type returned when a CQL statement is prepared asynchronously.
static GenericType<ResultSet> |
The type returned when a CQL statement is executed synchronously.
static GenericType<PreparedStatement> |
The type returned when a CQL statement is prepared synchronously.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default <ValueT> ValueT |
GettableById.get(CqlIdentifier id,
GenericType<ValueT> targetType)
Returns the value for the first occurrence of
id , converting it to the given Java type. |
default <ValueT> ValueT |
GettableByIndex.get(int i,
GenericType<ValueT> targetType)
Returns the
i th value, converting it to the given Java type. |
default <ValueT> ValueT |
GettableByName.get(String name,
GenericType<ValueT> targetType)
Returns the value for the first occurrence of
name , converting it to the given Java
type. |
default <ValueT> SelfT |
SettableById.set(CqlIdentifier id,
ValueT v,
GenericType<ValueT> targetType)
Sets the value for all occurrences of
id , converting it to the given Java type. |
default <ValueT> SelfT |
SettableByIndex.set(int i,
ValueT v,
GenericType<ValueT> targetType)
Sets the
i th value, converting it to the given Java type. |
default <ValueT> SelfT |
SettableByName.set(String name,
ValueT v,
GenericType<ValueT> targetType)
Sets the value for all occurrences of
name , converting it to the given Java type. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<RequestT extends Request,ResultT> |
Session.execute(RequestT request,
GenericType<ResultT> resultType)
Executes an arbitrary request.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected GenericType<OuterT> |
MappingCodec.outerJavaType |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GenericType<InnerT> |
MappingCodec.getInnerJavaType() |
GenericType<OuterT> |
MappingCodec.getJavaType() |
GenericType<JavaTypeT> |
TypeCodec.getJavaType() |
GenericType<?> |
CodecNotFoundException.getJavaType() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default boolean |
TypeCodec.accepts(GenericType<?> javaType)
Whether this codec is capable of processing the given Java type.
static <T> TypeCodec<T> |
ExtraTypeCodecs.json(GenericType<T> javaType)
Builds a new codec that maps CQL type
text to the given Java type, using JSON
serialization with a default Jackson mapper. |
static <T> TypeCodec<T> |
ExtraTypeCodecs.json(GenericType<T> javaType,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper)
Builds a new codec that maps CQL type
text to the given Java type, using JSON
serialization with the provided Jackson mapper. |
Constructor and Description |
CodecNotFoundException(DataType cqlType,
GenericType<?> javaType) |
CodecNotFoundException(Throwable cause,
DataType cqlType,
GenericType<?> javaType) |
MappingCodec(TypeCodec<InnerT> innerCodec,
GenericType<OuterT> outerJavaType)
Creates a new mapping codec providing support for
OuterT based on an existing codec for
InnerT . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<JavaTypeT> |
CodecRegistry.codecFor(DataType cqlType,
GenericType<JavaTypeT> javaType)
Returns a codec to handle the conversion between the given types.
<JavaTypeT> |
CodecRegistry.codecFor(GenericType<JavaTypeT> javaType)
Returns a codec to convert the given Java type to the CQL type deemed most appropriate to
represent it.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> GenericType<T[]> |
GenericType.arrayOf(Class<T> componentType) |
static <T> GenericType<T[]> |
GenericType.arrayOf(GenericType<T> componentType) |
GenericType<?> |
Returns the array component type if this type represents an array (
int[] , T[] ,
<? extends Map<String, Integer>[]> etc.), or else null is returned. |
GenericType<? extends T> |
GenericType.getSubtype(Class<?> subclass)
Returns subtype of
this with subclass as the raw class. |
GenericType<? super T> |
GenericType.getSupertype(Class<? super T> superclass)
Returns the generic form of
superclass . |
static <T> GenericType<List<T>> |
GenericType.listOf(Class<T> elementType) |
static <T> GenericType<List<T>> |
GenericType.listOf(GenericType<T> elementType) |
static <K,V> GenericType<Map<K,V>> |
GenericType.mapOf(Class<K> keyType,
Class<V> valueType) |
static <K,V> GenericType<Map<K,V>> |
GenericType.mapOf(GenericType<K> keyType,
GenericType<V> valueType) |
static <T> GenericType<T> |
GenericType.of(Class<T> type) |
static GenericType<?> |
GenericType.of(Type type) |
static <T> GenericType<Optional<T>> |
GenericType.optionalOf(Class<T> componentType) |
static <T> GenericType<Optional<T>> |
GenericType.optionalOf(GenericType<T> componentType) |
static <T> GenericType<Set<T>> |
GenericType.setOf(Class<T> elementType) |
static <T> GenericType<Set<T>> |
GenericType.setOf(GenericType<T> elementType) |
GenericType<T> |
Returns the corresponding primitive type if this is a wrapper type; otherwise returns
this itself. |
<X> GenericType<T> |
GenericType.where(GenericTypeParameter<X> freeVariable,
Class<X> actualType)
Substitutes a free type variable with an actual type.
<X> GenericType<T> |
GenericType.where(GenericTypeParameter<X> freeVariable,
GenericType<X> actualType)
Substitutes a free type variable with an actual type.
GenericType<T> |
Returns the corresponding wrapper type if this is a primitive type; otherwise returns
this itself. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> GenericType<T[]> |
GenericType.arrayOf(GenericType<T> componentType) |
boolean |
GenericType.isSubtypeOf(GenericType<?> type)
Returns true if this type is a subtype of the given
type . |
boolean |
GenericType.isSupertypeOf(GenericType<?> type)
Returns true if this type is a supertype of the given
type . |
static <T> GenericType<List<T>> |
GenericType.listOf(GenericType<T> elementType) |
static <K,V> GenericType<Map<K,V>> |
GenericType.mapOf(GenericType<K> keyType,
GenericType<V> valueType) |
static <K,V> GenericType<Map<K,V>> |
GenericType.mapOf(GenericType<K> keyType,
GenericType<V> valueType) |
static <T> GenericType<Optional<T>> |
GenericType.optionalOf(GenericType<T> componentType) |
static <T> GenericType<Set<T>> |
GenericType.setOf(GenericType<T> elementType) |
<X> GenericType<T> |
GenericType.where(GenericTypeParameter<X> freeVariable,
GenericType<X> actualType)
Substitutes a free type variable with an actual type.
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