Interface | Description |
WriteType |
The type of a Cassandra write query.
Enum | Description |
DefaultWriteType |
A default write type supported by the driver out of the box.
Exception | Description |
AlreadyExistsException |
Thrown when a query attempts to create a keyspace or table that already exists.
BootstrappingException |
Thrown when the coordinator was bootstrapping when it received a query.
CASWriteUnknownException |
The result of a CAS operation is in an unknown state.
CDCWriteFailureException |
An attempt was made to write to a commitlog segment which doesn't support CDC mutations.
CoordinatorException |
A server-side error thrown by the coordinator node in response to a driver request.
FunctionFailureException |
An error during the execution of a CQL function.
InvalidConfigurationInQueryException |
Indicates that a query is invalid because of some configuration problem.
InvalidQueryException |
Indicates a syntactically correct, but invalid query.
OverloadedException |
Thrown when the coordinator reported itself as being overloaded.
ProtocolError |
Indicates that the contacted node reported a protocol error.
QueryConsistencyException |
A failure to reach the required consistency level during the execution of a query.
QueryExecutionException |
A server-side error thrown when a valid query cannot be executed.
QueryValidationException |
A server-side error thrown when a query cannot be executed because it is syntactically incorrect,
invalid or unauthorized.
ReadFailureException |
A non-timeout error during a read query.
ReadTimeoutException |
A server-side timeout during a read query.
ServerError |
Indicates that the contacted node reported an internal error.
SyntaxError |
A syntax error in a query.
TruncateException |
An error during a truncation operation.
UnauthorizedException |
Indicates that a query cannot be performed due to the authorization restrictions of the logged
UnavailableException |
Thrown when the coordinator knows there is not enough replicas alive to perform a query with the
requested consistency level.
WriteFailureException |
A non-timeout error during a write query.
WriteTimeoutException |
A server-side timeout during a write query.
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