Package | Description |
com.datastax.dse.driver.api.core.graph | |
com.datastax.dse.driver.api.core.servererrors | |
com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core |
The core API of the driver, that deals with query execution and cluster metadata.
com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.connection |
Types related to a connection to a Cassandra node.
com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql | |
com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.loadbalancing | |
com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metadata | |
com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metrics | |
com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.servererrors | |
com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.session | |
com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.specex | |
com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.tracker |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Node |
GraphStatementBuilderBase.node |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Node |
The node that was used as a coordinator to successfully complete the query.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Map.Entry<Node,Throwable>> |
The errors encountered on previous coordinators, if any.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SelfT |
GraphStatementBuilderBase.setNode(Node node) |
SelfT |
GraphStatement.setNode(Node newNode)
Sets the
Node that should handle this query. |
Constructor and Description |
UnfitClientException(Node coordinator,
String message) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Node,List<Throwable>> |
An immutable map containing all errors on each tried node.
Map<Node,Throwable> |
AllNodesFailedException.getAllErrors() instead. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static AllNodesFailedException |
AllNodesFailedException.fromErrors(List<Map.Entry<Node,Throwable>> errors) |
static AllNodesFailedException |
AllNodesFailedException.fromErrors(Map<Node,Throwable> errors)
AllNodesFailedException.fromErrors(List) instead. |
Constructor and Description |
AllNodesFailedException(String message,
ExecutionInfo executionInfo,
Iterable<Map.Entry<Node,List<Throwable>>> errors) |
AllNodesFailedException(String message,
ExecutionInfo executionInfo,
Map<Node,Throwable> errors)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ReconnectionPolicy.ReconnectionSchedule |
ReconnectionPolicy.newNodeSchedule(Node node)
Creates a new schedule for the given node.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Node |
StatementBuilder.node |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Node |
The node that acted as a coordinator for the query.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Map.Entry<Node,Throwable>> |
The errors encountered on previous coordinators, if any.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SelfT |
StatementBuilder.setNode(Node node) |
SelfT |
Statement.setNode(Node node)
Sets the
Node that should handle this query. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Queue<Node> |
LoadBalancingPolicy.newQueryPlan(Request request,
Session session)
Returns the coordinators to use for a new query.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NodeDistance |
NodeDistanceEvaluator.evaluateDistance(Node node,
String localDc)
Evaluates the distance to apply to the given node.
void |
LoadBalancingPolicy.onAdd(Node node)
Called when a node is added to the cluster.
void |
LoadBalancingPolicy.onDown(Node node)
Called when a node is determined to be down.
void |
LoadBalancingPolicy.onRemove(Node node)
Called when a node is removed from the cluster.
void |
LoadBalancingPolicy.onUp(Node node)
Called when a node is determined to be up.
void |
LoadBalancingPolicy.DistanceReporter.setDistance(Node node,
NodeDistance distance) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
LoadBalancingPolicy.init(Map<UUID,Node> nodes,
LoadBalancingPolicy.DistanceReporter distanceReporter)
Initializes this policy with the nodes discovered during driver initialization.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Optional<Node> |
Metadata.findNode(EndPoint endPoint)
Finds the node with the given connection information, if it
default Optional<Node> |
Metadata.findNode(InetSocketAddress broadcastRpcAddress)
Finds the node with the given untranslated broadcast RPC address, if it exists.
Map<UUID,Node> |
The nodes known to the driver, indexed by their unique identifier (
host_id in system.local /system.peers ). |
default Set<Node> |
TokenMap.getReplicas(CqlIdentifier keyspace,
ByteBuffer partitionKey)
Shortcut for
null, partitionKey) . |
Set<Node> |
TokenMap.getReplicas(CqlIdentifier keyspace,
Partitioner partitioner,
ByteBuffer partitionKey)
The replicas for a given partition key in the given keyspace.
Set<Node> |
TokenMap.getReplicas(CqlIdentifier keyspace,
Token token)
The replicas for a given token in the given keyspace.
default Set<Node> |
TokenMap.getReplicas(CqlIdentifier keyspace,
TokenRange range)
The replicas for a given range in the given keyspace.
default Set<Node> |
TokenMap.getReplicas(String keyspaceName,
ByteBuffer partitionKey)
default Set<Node> |
TokenMap.getReplicas(String keyspaceName,
Partitioner partitioner,
ByteBuffer partitionKey)
default Set<Node> |
TokenMap.getReplicas(String keyspaceName,
Token token)
Shortcut for
getReplicas(CqlIdentifier.fromCql(keyspaceName), token) . |
default Set<Node> |
TokenMap.getReplicas(String keyspaceName,
TokenRange range)
Shortcut for
getReplicas(CqlIdentifier.fromCql(keyspaceName), range) . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<TokenRange> |
TokenMap.getTokenRanges(CqlIdentifier keyspace,
Node replica)
The token ranges that are replicated on the given node, for the given keyspace.
Set<TokenRange> |
TokenMap.getTokenRanges(Node node)
The token ranges for which a given node is the primary replica.
default Set<TokenRange> |
TokenMap.getTokenRanges(String keyspaceName,
Node replica)
default Set<Token> |
TokenMap.getTokens(Node node)
The tokens owned by the given node.
void |
SafeInitNodeStateListener.onAdd(Node node) |
void |
NodeStateListenerBase.onAdd(Node node) |
void |
NodeStateListener.onAdd(Node node)
Invoked when a node is first added to the cluster.
void |
SafeInitNodeStateListener.onDown(Node node) |
void |
NodeStateListenerBase.onDown(Node node) |
void |
NodeStateListener.onDown(Node node)
Invoked when a node's state switches to
NodeState.DOWN or NodeState.FORCED_DOWN . |
void |
SafeInitNodeStateListener.onRemove(Node node) |
void |
NodeStateListenerBase.onRemove(Node node) |
void |
NodeStateListener.onRemove(Node node)
Invoked when a node leaves the cluster.
void |
SafeInitNodeStateListener.onUp(Node node) |
void |
NodeStateListenerBase.onUp(Node node) |
void |
NodeStateListener.onUp(Node node)
Invoked when a node's state switches to
NodeState.UP . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default <T extends com.codahale.metrics.Metric> |
Metrics.getNodeMetric(Node node,
NodeMetric metric)
Shortcut for
getNodeMetric(node, metric,
null) . |
<T extends com.codahale.metrics.Metric> |
Metrics.getNodeMetric(Node node,
NodeMetric metric,
String profileName)
Retrieves a node-level metric for a given node from the registry.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Node |
CoordinatorException.getCoordinator() |
Constructor and Description |
AlreadyExistsException(Node coordinator,
String keyspace,
String table) |
BootstrappingException(Node coordinator) |
CoordinatorException(Node coordinator,
String message,
ExecutionInfo executionInfo,
boolean writableStackTrace) |
FunctionFailureException(Node coordinator,
String message) |
InvalidConfigurationInQueryException(Node coordinator,
String message) |
InvalidQueryException(Node coordinator,
String message) |
OverloadedException(Node coordinator) |
ProtocolError(Node coordinator,
String message) |
QueryConsistencyException(Node coordinator,
String message,
ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel,
int received,
int blockFor,
ExecutionInfo executionInfo,
boolean writableStackTrace) |
QueryExecutionException(Node coordinator,
String message,
ExecutionInfo executionInfo,
boolean writableStackTrace) |
QueryValidationException(Node coordinator,
String message,
ExecutionInfo executionInfo,
boolean writableStackTrace) |
ReadFailureException(Node coordinator,
ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel,
int received,
int blockFor,
int numFailures,
boolean dataPresent,
Map<InetAddress,Integer> reasonMap) |
ReadTimeoutException(Node coordinator,
ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel,
int received,
int blockFor,
boolean dataPresent) |
ServerError(Node coordinator,
String message) |
SyntaxError(Node coordinator,
String message) |
TruncateException(Node coordinator,
String message) |
UnauthorizedException(Node coordinator,
String message) |
UnavailableException(Node coordinator,
ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel,
int required,
int alive) |
WriteFailureException(Node coordinator,
ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel,
int received,
int blockFor,
WriteType writeType,
int numFailures,
Map<InetAddress,Integer> reasonMap) |
WriteTimeoutException(Node coordinator,
ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel,
int received,
int blockFor,
WriteType writeType) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Node |
Request.getNode() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<String,Predicate<Node>> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected DriverContext |
SessionBuilder.buildContext(DriverConfigLoader configLoader,
List<TypeCodec<?>> typeCodecs,
NodeStateListener nodeStateListener,
SchemaChangeListener schemaChangeListener,
RequestTracker requestTracker,
Map<String,String> localDatacenters,
Map<String,Predicate<Node>> nodeFilters,
ClassLoader classLoader)
this method only exists for backward compatibility (if a subclass written for
driver 4.1.0 returns a non-null result, that value will be used). Please override
SessionBuilder.buildContext(DriverConfigLoader, ProgrammaticArguments) instead. |
SelfT |
SessionBuilder.withNodeFilter(Predicate<Node> nodeFilter)
SelfT |
SessionBuilder.withNodeFilter(String profileName,
Predicate<Node> nodeFilter)
ProgrammaticArguments.Builder |
ProgrammaticArguments.Builder.withNodeFilter(String profileName,
Predicate<Node> nodeFilter)
ProgrammaticArguments.Builder |
ProgrammaticArguments.Builder.withNodeFilters(Map<String,Predicate<Node>> nodeFilters)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
long |
SpeculativeExecutionPolicy.nextExecution(Node node,
CqlIdentifier keyspace,
Request request,
int runningExecutions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default void |
RequestTracker.onError(Request request,
Throwable error,
long latencyNanos,
DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile,
Node node)
This method only exists for backward compatibility. Override
RequestTracker.onError(Request, Throwable, long, DriverExecutionProfile, Node, String) instead. |
default void |
RequestTracker.onError(Request request,
Throwable error,
long latencyNanos,
DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile,
Node node,
String requestLogPrefix)
Invoked each time a request fails.
default void |
RequestTracker.onNodeError(Request request,
Throwable error,
long latencyNanos,
DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile,
Node node)
This method only exists for backward compatibility. Override
RequestTracker.onNodeError(Request, Throwable, long, DriverExecutionProfile, Node, String) instead. |
default void |
RequestTracker.onNodeError(Request request,
Throwable error,
long latencyNanos,
DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile,
Node node,
String requestLogPrefix)
Invoked each time a request fails at the node level.
default void |
RequestTracker.onNodeSuccess(Request request,
long latencyNanos,
DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile,
Node node)
This method only exists for backward compatibility. Override
RequestTracker.onNodeSuccess(Request, long, DriverExecutionProfile, Node, String) instead. |
default void |
RequestTracker.onNodeSuccess(Request request,
long latencyNanos,
DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile,
Node node,
String requestLogPrefix)
Invoked each time a request succeeds at the node level.
default void |
RequestTracker.onSuccess(Request request,
long latencyNanos,
DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile,
Node node)
This method only exists for backward compatibility. Override
RequestTracker.onSuccess(Request, long, DriverExecutionProfile, Node, String) instead. |
default void |
RequestTracker.onSuccess(Request request,
long latencyNanos,
DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile,
Node node,
String requestLogPrefix)
Invoked each time a request succeeds.
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