Interface | Description |
PrimitiveBooleanCodec |
A specialized boolean codec that knows how to deal with primitive types.
PrimitiveByteCodec |
A specialized byte codec that knows how to deal with primitive types.
PrimitiveDoubleCodec |
A specialized double codec that knows how to deal with primitive types.
PrimitiveFloatCodec |
A specialized float codec that knows how to deal with primitive types.
PrimitiveIntCodec |
A specialized integer codec that knows how to deal with primitive types.
PrimitiveLongCodec |
A specialized long codec that knows how to deal with primitive types.
PrimitiveShortCodec |
A specialized short codec that knows how to deal with primitive types.
TypeCodec<JavaTypeT> |
Manages the two-way conversion between a CQL type and a Java type.
Class | Description |
ExtraTypeCodecs |
Additional codecs that can be registered to handle different type mappings.
MappingCodec<InnerT,OuterT> |
TypeCodec that maps instances of InnerT , a driver supported Java type, to
instances of a target OuterT Java type. |
TypeCodecs |
Constants and factory methods to obtain instances of the driver's default type codecs.
Exception | Description |
CodecNotFoundException |
Thrown when a suitable
TypeCodec cannot be found by the CodecRegistry . |
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