See: Description
Interface | Description |
AsyncAutoCloseable |
An object that can be closed in an asynchronous, non-blocking manner.
AsyncPagingIterable<ElementT,SelfT extends AsyncPagingIterable<ElementT,SelfT>> |
An iterable of elements which are fetched asynchronously by the driver, possibly in multiple
ConsistencyLevel |
The consistency level of a request.
CqlSession |
The default session type built by the driver.
MappedAsyncPagingIterable<ElementT> |
The result of calling on another async iterable. |
MavenCoordinates | |
PagingIterable<ElementT> |
An iterable of elements which are fetched synchronously by the driver, possibly in multiple
ProtocolVersion |
A version of the native protocol used by the driver to communicate with the server.
Class | Description |
CqlIdentifier |
The identifier of CQL element (keyspace, table, column, etc).
CqlSessionBuilder |
Helper class to build a
CqlSession instance. |
Version |
A structured version number.
Enum | Description |
DefaultConsistencyLevel |
A default consistency level supported by the driver out of the box.
DefaultProtocolVersion |
A protocol version supported by default by the driver.
Exception | Description |
AllNodesFailedException |
Thrown when a query failed on all the coordinators it was tried on.
DriverException |
Base class for all exceptions thrown by the driver.
DriverExecutionException |
Thrown by synchronous wrapper methods (such as
SyncCqlSession.execute(Statement) , when the
underlying future was completed with a checked exception. |
DriverTimeoutException |
Thrown when a driver request timed out.
InvalidKeyspaceException |
Thrown when a session gets created with an invalid keyspace.
NodeUnavailableException |
Indicates that a
Node was selected in a query plan, but it had no connection available. |
NoNodeAvailableException |
Specialization of
AllNodesFailedException when no coordinators were tried. |
RequestThrottlingException |
Thrown if the session uses a request throttler, and it didn't allow the current request to
UnsupportedProtocolVersionException |
Indicates that we've attempted to connect to a Cassandra node with a protocol version that it
cannot handle (e.g., connecting to a C* 2.1 node with protocol version 4).
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